Use a Single Pro Tools Session for Playback

RL_Working_3I use Logic for writing music, but I've found that running video in Logic while working on a project with more than one cue can be difficult.For one thing, in 64-bit mode Logic doesn't let you bounce to quicktime, which is very frustrating for creating demos. But it can also be tedious to set up the video for every single cue, especially if the cut is still flexible and you're receiving new versions. You risk having the wrong version of video in different Logic sessions, and overall are just making things complex.To make things easier, I run a single Pro Tools session as the video host. Using MTC/MMC I set Pro Tools to slave to Logic. I have the dialogue and temp music tracks set up in Pro Tools and routed to separate inputs on my Mackie Big Knob, which allows me to turn them on or off with the push of a button.Once a cue is ready to go, I bounce it out of Logic and import the audio file into Pro Tools, where I can mix it with dialogue and then export to quicktime. The result is also one long session with all of my cues, including older versions.This is amazingly useful for a playback session. For example if the director stops by to see what's new, rather than wait for every Logic session to load for each new cue you just play back everything in the Pro Tools session.A simple idea that takes a little bit of initial set up, but once you have it up and running it makes larger projects go much smoother.


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"Survival.." short film at Myrtle Beach International Film Festival